Staffing cGMP facilities for biotherapeutics at medical universities.

A computer screen showing images of molecules and DNA.

The challenge

Talent for manufacturing and process development.

The patients who need cell and gene therapies today greatly outnumber the facilities that can manufacture those therapies— which go immediately to saving lives. Medical universities are now building their own GMP-based facilities to meet the demand and viability of clinical treatments. Though they’re connected to top research institutions, the skill sets for top manufacturing and process development in cell and gene therapy aren’t found in universities, but rather on the industry level. Three leading medical centers in California—at UC Davis, USC, and Stanford—teamed with the experts at Kelly® Science & Clinical for specialized niche recruiting support to help staff their cGMP processing centers.

The solution

A strategic workaround for industry-level experts.

Kelly leveraged a variety of solutions for support. As state universities, the medical centers are limited by a mandated, extensive talent acquisition process. Jobs are posted for a minimum of 30 days. Every candidate must be interviewed, multiple times. With an average time-to-fill of 90+ days, they needed a strategic workaround to source top industry-level talent. So, wherever an internal hiring was slowed, Kelly leveraged contract-to-hire placement to engage new talent until their permanent spot was ready to be filled. Or when timelines allowed, new experts were placed on a direct-hire basis.

The value

Removing red tape for 3x faster time-to-hire.

All three GMP facilities ramped up their operations on schedule, adding roles for senior Cell Therapy Scientists, Process Development Engineers, MSAT, and Project Managers. Kelly removed a major burden by improving time-to-hire to about 30 days, 3x faster than when following university hiring protocols.

“One key bottleneck in our industry today is just not enough hands, not enough people to handle the number of patients on their deathbeds waiting for cell and gene therapy. Kelly makes a huge impact by working around the university’s red tape to greatly speed our time to hire.” Gerhard Bauer – Site Director & Professor, UC Davis GMP


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